The Song of the Quarkbeast


The Song of the Quarkbeast

This is the second in the Dragonslayer series - also known as DS2


We cannot get hold of paperback copies of the UK paperback but USA and Canada versions are available:

Cover with the trashcan and a tail behind is the USA version

Cover with the green hand emerging is the Canada version

A long time ago Magic faded away, leaving behind only yo-yos, the extremely useful compass-pointing-to-North enchantment and the spell that keeps bicycles from falling over.

Things are about to change. Magical power is on the rise and King Snodd IV of Hereford has realised that the who controls Magic controls almost anything. Only one person stands between Snodd and his plans for unimaginable power and riches.

Meet Jennifer Strange, sixteen-year-old acting manager of Kazam, the employment agency for sorcerers and soothsayers. She may only have one functioning Wizard and her faithful assistant 'Tiger' Prawns to help her. But one thing is certain: she will not relinquish the noble powers of Magic to big business and commerce without a fight.

(Released in paperback summer 2012)

UK: B format

ISBN 978 1 444 70725 0

USA:Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

ISBN 978-0-544-33662-9